Case Details

Christmas Wallpapers

HD Wallpapers All Optimized for iOS devices. We have more than 500 different HD wallpapers available for Christmas and adding more and more every day.

Home screen with We wish you a merry Christmas theme music.

Get Christmas Countdown! on Home screen with Days, Hours, Minutes and seconds remains for Christmas.

Make your holidays happy with all Christmas wallpapers. We will frequently updates wallpapers and get new wallpapers every week.

With Christmas Countdown, you always know exactly how long it is until Christmas. When you open the app, you will receive the exact countdown including Hours, Minutes and Seconds. You can even share image with countdown on all social media platforms.

You can customise countdown and different wallpapers as well. Wallpapers will be updated almost everyday.

Add your message to wallpaper and share with all social media with countdown as well.

So lets download and enjoy all wallpapers.

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